La Moskitia contains distinct regions, each with its own ecosystems, cultures, and adventures for you to experience. Click on the interactive map to the right to begin exploring these unique regions that make up La Ruta Moskitia…your path to adventure!

The Great Pine Savannah region includes the Miskito community of Brus Laguna and the Yamari Savannah Cabanas. Here you will find wide-open expanses of coastal wetlands, blue sky, cool breezes, and some of the best bird watching in La Moskitia. Kayak the maze of connected waterways by day, and enjoy fresh seafood dinners by night.

The Miskito Coast region includes the communities of Belen & Raista, and features endless Caribbean coastline, lagoons, and lowland rainforest. The Miskito Coast is perfect for enjoying the beach, exploring the friendly Miskito communities, and searching for monkeys and toucans. The Miskito Coast is famous for the Raista Butterfly Farm, as well as Belen’s Miskito cultural evenings.

The Garifuna Coast is home to the proud communities of Plaplaya & Batalla, and includes attractive beaches and some of La Moskitia’s most vibrant cultural heritage. It is in this region that you can find the spiritual & hypnotic Garifuna drum and dance groups and also the well-known Plaplaya Sea Turtle Conservation Project.

And finally The Rainforest Highlands, which includes the community of Las Marias, will take you deep into La Moskitia’s broadleaf tropical rainforest for hikes to archeological sites, overnight treks to high forested peaks, and gives you the best chance to see tapir, parrots & macaws…if you’re lucky!

Brus Laguna / Yamari
Las Marias